Saturday, June 30, 2007

Police and the Supreme Court

The appeals court of Michigan has ruled that if a person dies in the state of Michigan then only an attorney can represent there death. If an attorney fails to want to represent you involving a death, then the Michigan Appeals Court has took away your right to sue, and has returned your justification back to settling your disputes by way of the gun. The U.S. Constitution has given the right to sue to every american, so as to stop disputes being settled at the end of a gun.

Michigan has selected to deny anyone the right to sue Pro/Per. This means that anyone who dies in Michigan is not granted legal counsel even if the family wishe's to pursue there deceased case representing themselves. If the police kill you in Michigan, and you can not convince an attorney to take your case, then you are denied the right to trial. Michigan denies all right's to anyone who dies within the state lines of Michigan.

If the police chase you to death you are denied your right's by way of not being able to hire any attorney to take your case. You can have over whelming evidence and you are still barred from presenting that evidence, since Michigan has ruled that all dead be represented by an attorney, or you are screwed.

Police videos showing a police chase and planting of evidence has scared most attorney's from taking our case the minute they hear of the alcohol results. The police have total control over the alcohol testing results. So, I guess we have to realize that the police lied about our son's death, since no attorney will take our case. We have to just let it go like so any have told us.

We will wait to see what the State Attorney General Mike Cox has to say about our case, before our next step. Senator Mark Shauer's office directed us to Civil Right's Attorney's, which we have been there and done that.

Senator Carl Levin's office and others have told us they do not get involved with the local law officials of communties around the country. I wonder if the authorities involving local law enforcement already no this policy. No checks or balances?

Federal politicians have no control over your local authority. It then is left up to your local boards who have all the authority over your lives in your local communities. Your local board can pass a law making it a crime to accuse any police officer of wrong doing, and you could be arrested just like the law they passed in my community. Stick a sock in it.

Cereal City has many laws on it's books, and I suggest you read there biblical laws before ever considering this community unless you know the right people.


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