Sunday, July 8, 2007

Do Michigan Law maker's have a conscience. Maybe there children are better then the rest of society? If that was so, then why is society so screwed up? If education was the answer, then why has education not providided the answer?

By now America must be highly educated. and those highly educated people must have the answers for all humanity. Millions are spent on the fortunate ones by way of education, and the world is becoming a more perfect place?

Thank God I live in America where we place the good of it's citizen's before everything else. I am a proud american citizen, who know's we take care of our own, before we help other countries take care of themselves.

The American people come first, and all other countries come later?

Thank God we went after that cheap ol in Iraq? Now we have to pay high oil prices, since our military was not able to stick a straw into Iraq's oil.

Thanks George for your lack of abilityng to think other's on the face of the earth can think for themselves. Stupid sand nigers, thinking they could be thinking.

Where is the CIA thinking like the local police.

America has the best security, and alway's have had, yet we were attacked on 911? Did America turn the other cheek, or is Americas security a myth?

Is it true that not any public official can do there job?

I trully believe that the police in local communties believe they can solve crime, and make it come to an end. They actually believe that they can lock up criminals to never end, and they will just go away. Police are seen as garbage removals. There is seldom a crime that the police solve before it happens. The police are trained to place numbers around a crime scene, and then to follow the orders of a prosecutor. They are hired garbage collectors.

We hear rarily of any local police solving any local crime unless a citizen came forward to reveal there case. If the public had to rely on local police agency's for justice without the help of the public, then those highly trained public officials would be nothing more then blue uniforms. Sure they can patrol our highways, and bust those drugs flowing to other cities, while the drugs still flow non-stop.

The police can bust our teenage youth, and sometimes bust the interstate drug trafficer, but they can't do much else. There lost, but they can alway's count on Mom, or Dad to bail there children out of trouble?

The police should be thankful for our kid's keeping them occupied. The police have really never stopped a young child from dying in a alcohol related accident that I'm aware of!

Let me know of the times where the police played a role in prevention to the point it stopped a crime from occurring?


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Mike Cox (Attorney General of Michigan)?

We sent Attorney General Mike Cox the following letter, along with a DVD that contained two police videos, as well as other evidence. All of this involved the death of my son, whom the Battle Creek Police claimed lost his life due to a high speed traffic accident involving alcohol. The first police video reveals five (5) police cars on scene at the time of the accident within 01:29 seconds, as well as showing an officer planting evidence on our son's dead body. One police car records four (4) other police cars pulling onto the scene, and over six (6) minutes later the fire rescue is seen arriving from two (2) seperate locations less then three (3) quarters of a mile away. The first four (4) police cars pull up, and do not exit there vehicles until the first police car filming is turned toward the accident scene. No police block off traffic, and no police seem to be concerned about the dying, or dead eighteen yearold driver or one of his passengers who was a fourteen yearold girl. Two others in the backseat were with serious injuries, but the police just stayed back, and then walked up as if nothing happened.

So we sent the following letter to Attorney General Mike Cox, and Senator Mark Schauer for there review. We also sent them video evidence with compelling evidence supporting our claims. Mark Schauer has sent us to the A.C.L.U. which we have already dealt with. We are white so we are not the minority, and they can not help us if we can not prove a pattern of injustice? We have to find more proof that the police in our area cover-up the truth behind death's like our's? We have to prove the police are commiting a pattern of "Obstruction of Justice" before we can claim that they do so?

We have given the police so much glorified credentials that most of the american public believes every word they say, is as if God was speaking through them. People for the most part believe what the police state is the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help them God?

What if the police chased two kids to there death, and they had no real justification? Would they cover it up?

Here's the letter:

James A. & Virginia A. Thompke
000 S. Wattles Rd.
Battle Creek, Mi. 00000-0000
Phone: (000) 000-0000

Senator Mark Schauer March 25, 2007 March 25, 2007
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, Mi. 48909
(517) 373-2739

Senator Schauer,

We are writing you at this time seeking your offices assistance concerning are son’s death, as well as the death of a fourteen year old female. We have been told by many (Retired Police Chief, Attorney’s, Etc.) that we needed to inform your office of what we have discovered the past years, and present you with the evidence we have acquired. The retired police chief claimed it would be a very volatile case.

On February 19, 2001, at around 9:00 a.m. we were informed by the Battle Creek Police Department that our son had died in a violent auto accident that also claimed a young girls life, and severely injured two other passengers. We were told that alcohol was involved. One week later we were visited by a Detective Huggett who was to tell us that they were going to “leak it to the media” that our son was 0.243 BAC that morning at 8:04 a.m. No further contact was initiated by local authorities concerning the accident.

At about 1:00 p.m. on Feb. 19, 2001 we were contacted by the Medical Examiners office asking us what we planned to do with the body. No autopsy was planned, ordered, or required according to the ME’s office nor were we asked if we wanted to request an autopsy. We were never asked to come identify the body, but we were told to; “just come and pickup the body.”

On the very day our son died, we started asking questions of those who may have been involved, and basically have not stopped since. We have FOIA’d records, police videos, audio tapes, and even secured our son’s vehicle from the insurance company, which took six and a half months for the prosecutor to release. We’ve hired an accident reconstructionist who was the first to confirm our suspicions of police involvement with this accident. We then knocked on doors interviewing different eyewitness’s which again confirmed these suspicions of direct police involvement involving a police chase.

Due to the fact that our son was only eighteen the prosecutors office spent a little over a year going after two other’s they said were directly involved with the cause of the accident that morning. Under threat of ten year felonies those cases ended with pleas of fines and probation for providing alcohol to a minor. One accused was a minor himself.

It was fall of 2002 that we hired the accident reconstructionist who went over the evidence, and first alerted us to the police chase, which we were already suspicious of, since the police video showed a total of five (5) police cars on scene within 01:29 sec. of the impact. Patrol car # 492 was parked about a block past the accident scene with video tape running, and when he turns toward the accident at 07:59:50 a.m. the impact had already occurred. The police report states the accident occurred at 08:04 a.m., which is now seen as an attempt to not disclose the fact that five (5) police cars may have witnessed the accident. They pulled-up not blocking off traffic, and did not exit there vehicles until # 492’s video camera was turned toward the side of the road facing the impact.

Early winter 2002 we consulted an attorney out of Detroit to help with getting to the truth, and months later she hired an ex-state police commander turned attorney, and almost immediately we had a conflict of interest. He did nothing but make excuses in support of the police with every bit of evidence we made available to him. He wasn’t even concerned that the local authorities never even sent the second BAC test kit for verification to the State Police Lab until August 27, 01. It was suggested that the lab was probably busy, and that is why it was taking so long. The MSP Lab report shows received August 27, completed August 28, 2001, and the results were immediately faxed to the requesting authorities. This was also orally confirmed from a lab technician who also stated he remembered that sample, since it was the oldest sample he had ever tested for BAC.

December of 2003 we meet with prosecutor John Hallacy to discuss our concerns involving our son’s death. He had been previously provided video clips, as well as a brief letter from us concerning the accident, and he called us wanting to meet. One issue we wanted answered was the fact that the police report had mentioned warrant, and we asked to see his “Entries and Deletions” to clear that issue up, but he refused. He said he would not let us do that. We also showed him a document that requested our son’s records be deleted from the L.E.I.N. system on the 20th. of February 2001, which was the day after his death. He called it normal practice. He did ask us (based on our video) whether or not our son had any bad blood between one officer in particular, and we said no but we did acknowledge that our son had bought a previous vehicle from the officer of concern. In the video you see this officer lifting the sheet on our dead son’s body, and place a beer bottle inside his coat! We ended the meeting with him being concerned about a roadway drain defect, and that he thought it was a civil matter.

On February 19, 2004, we filed suit Pro/Per in Circuit Court against the City of Battle Creek and Post Cereals based on “Nondisclosure and Misrepresentation” of facts. Never mentioning anything about a police chase. There response was based on the 51% alcohol rule which places more blame on the driver, and they also referenced “Robinson Vs Detroit” in there defense of government immunity. The latter was a court ruling involving a police chase. Within forty (40) days of filing the Michigan Appeals Court ruled you cannot file Pro/Per on behalf of another persons estate. The city attorney claimed we were violating the law acting as our own attorney, and ordered the case “Dismissed With Prejudice / No Court Costs.” The judge refused, but it was allowed “Dismissed Without Prejudice.”

It is the blood evidence that is at the heart of the problem, and is the one thing making it difficult for us parents to get help with finding out the truth. One would assume that if it was just an alcohol related accident, then the proper time would have been taken to draw the blood placing it under witness into both kits, and having it properly tested within the “chain of custody.” No police reports, medical examiner reports, or the like would be at all in conflict. Very simple clear cut procedures.

With all that said thus far, we would like your office to consider several of our most immediate concerns listed below. The following either directly or indirectly refers to our accusations of “Tampering with Evidence,” “Conspiracy to Tamper with Evidence,” “Obstruction of Justice,” and “Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice” involving death. Two (2) deaths.

A DVD is included that contains two (2) police videos, two (2) audio recordings, related pictures, two (2) unrelated police videos, and misc. One (1) of the latter police videos shows an officer actually rewinding his video recorder, so as to tape over what had just occurred. It’s missing twenty-six (26) minutes!

(1) Officer Brad Palmer’s Affidavit (attached), provided to us by the city after we filed suit, has this officer stating that the M.E. Investigator assisted with removing the deceased from the vehicle. He also stated that the M.E. found two (2) glass beer bottles inside our son’s left coat pocket. The bodies were removed from the vehicle at about 08:17 a.m. according to the police video, and M.E. Demski’s report (attached) has himself arriving on scene at 09:05 a.m. An eyewitness has identified the person in the video as not M.E. Robert Demski.

(2) The police video #492 shows an officer at 08:18:15 stoop down while lifting a sheet covering a body, beer bottle in hand, straighten back up empty handed, and then walk away. No bottle in either hand. Then the person we first assumed to be the M.E. wearing an orange jacket walks up to find the bottle, and then you see the same officer carrying it across the street. (See attached timeline detailing this officers actions)

(3) The BCPD (Battle Creek Police Department) use Michigan State Police Forensic Blood Testing Kit’s with specific requirements for handling of specimens to be tested by there lab. One requirement is the blood is to be drawn and labeled in front of the witness. The police report (attached), the M.E.’s report (attached), and the police reconstruction video reveal that the kit’s were not labeled until 11:20 a.m.

(4) Regional Labs in Battle Creek produced a test report (attached) showing our son’s BAC to be 0.243 with a UAC of 0.132. Negative for drugs of any type. At the bottom of this report it stated all samples would be destroyed after one year. Nothing in the report declared there office never tested for BAC, but we were told by the lab director that the blood kit was ordered sent on to Warde Labs in Ann Arbor. A second lab report (attached) on the BAC from Warde Labs listed BAC of 0.243 and it quoted that all test’s were performed by Warde Lab’s unless otherwise noted. The time collected (02:00) did not match the time of 11:20 as noted in the ME’s report, and we asked a Warde tech why the difference in time? She stated; that would be there time received if the samples were missing the “time collected” on the vials. It ended with; all samples would be destroyed in thirty days unless otherwise notified.

(5) We worked out an agreement with the BCPD to have all the samples being held by the MSP to be sent by way of proper “Chain of Custody” to a lab of our choice, and with there approval for testing. After much delay they finally sent the samples on to a lab out west. That lab was supposed to receive two (2) vials with gray-tops containing blood. They only received one (1) vial, and it had a red-top, which could not be tested for alcohol. We contacted the MSP Lab and we were told the BCPD ordered the gray-top vial held, and not to send it.

(6) The police report eluded from exposing that our son had actually driven by the BCPD’s main station twice that morning. Once on the way to pickup the kids and once after they were in the vehicle. The report (attached) claims it was not clear whether they had traveled down Elm or Union Street, but they concluded it was Elm Street as the selected route. Logan Schwenn’s interview (attached) has him stating they drove past the police department.

(7) Officer Slack’s (#492) report (attached) when compared to his own video recording contains several false statements, and were verified false by the witness he referenced in his own report. It was also clear in the video of his actual vehicle location at the very time the accident occurred. He was not twenty (20) feet back from the road, and he did have a clear view of the entire accident scene. Andrew Frantz did not wave him down!

(8) The police reconstruction video (on DVD) reveals statements by officer’s we have identified, which we find very disturbing. We were under the impression that the blood kits were being handled by the Medical Examiner’s Office? The officers are heard to say; “I’m Having Sonic Test the Blood to Make Sure It’s Illegally Leveled,” “Don’t Worry It’ll Be In,” and “I’m Doing Sonic.”

(9) The police reconstruction video also reveals statements from a female officer who say’s; “Are We Going To Have The Parents Identify The Bodies,” and “I Think They Hit The Curb Down Here.” The first comment seemed to have been cutoff short, and the second comment was referring to an area on the curb they failed to show in there reconstruction sketch. The sketch (attached) contained only one vehicle track as if it was a motorcycle that hit the curb.

We could continue on with much more evidence, but we feel that at this time it would be best to meet with your office in person, so that we can go over in detail all the facts we have concerning these two deaths.

There are a total of fourteen (14) documents attached that directly relate to the above, and they are numbered according to the above numbered paragraphs. Misc. documents of great importance have also been included.

There is a seventy-two (72) page police report pertaining to the above matter, and it has been transcribed into MS Word, and is available via Email or on CD!

As lifelong residents of the State of Michigan, we never assumed we would be seeking assistance as we are, involving the death of one of our son’s.

Thank you!


James A. & Virginia A. Thompke

C.C.: Attorney General Mike Cox

We have not heard back from the attorney generals office , since we had to call them after filing our complaint after thirty day's. We were given a filing number, and are still waiting for any information.

It seems that the police feel that time will heal all wounds, when in reality the authorities are just making those wounds deeper, and deeper. Un-answered questions are just questions that lead the public to believe they have no faith into believing the police. Police who attempt to conceal the truth, are asking the public to fear there justice, and they will be on there own. Some police departments doom thereselves just by the actions of a few. If the police lie about justice then there is no such thing as justice? The police are at the forefront of justice.

Justice is still broken if any prosecutor orders them to lie for the benefit of protecting that prosecutors office, even if they are being ordered to do so to protect there boss? Let's protect that over jealous prosecutor so as to protect our job, since he is our boss.

High School should teach our children how to avoid being prosecuted by justice officials. The economy would then have more funds directed away from the throat of justice, and those funds would be directed into making the economy grow instead of dragging down the funds into the justice system. Billions of dollars could go back to business's that are hurting from a justice system that drives people to not ever drive?

I encourage my only (last) son to stay home. I pray that he never involves himself with any police. If he stay's away from any business then he won't have to confront the police. Makes sense? He agree's that as long as he dosen't travel out, he dosen't have to worry about police pulling him over, and searching his vehicle.

I guess we should be glad that the minute the police pull our children over that they will then insist to search there vehicles. The police already know that the parents will bail out there stupid kids, so why not search those kid's vehicles for no reason.

If your young and the police request to search your vehicle in Battle Creek, Mi. and you disapprove, then they will bring in the dogs. What's lost is that the police had no justification to bring in the dogs in the first place. The truth is the Battle Creek Police use strong arm tactics which seem to be approved by the State of Michigan as long as they do nothing to stop these types of tactics. The state seems to approve that the local police act without any controls.

We are waiting for Mike Cox to answer our request?


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Scooter Libby!

For those that assume the punishment was to harsh for Scooter. If you lie to authorities investigating a murder then you are charged with "Obstruction of Justice Involving Murder," and those charges can be quite harsh. You could serve about ten years in prison.

I'm not sure what "Obstruction of Justice Involving Treason" should equal, but I do think that if your found guilty of treason you might face the death penalty? If someone lied about the truth behind exposing a C.I.A. agent, which would be considered treason, then that person should face the crime.

Basically, this will say to the american public that lying to authorities might be better then ever telling the truth. The public could call it "Scooting the Truth"

Quite a few americans already realize that the police lie to them on a daily basis, and many more learn this valuable lesson on a daily basis. Many police reports are already twisted into what the police believe are best for prosecution, or protection from suit. If you research police training then you soon realize they are being taught "Damage Control," "What to Report and What Not To Report," and other such topics that have nothing to do with doing there jobs better.

Scooter is just another soldier who will most likely go onto becoming rich from his book deals and will move away to some island nation. Why would he ever be worried about practicing law again if he was on the forefront of such a dramatic issue.

In the years past treason meant something, and today treason is left up to the media to define. The media waits to take the pulse of the public by polling, and the public waits for the media to once again take there lead role.

It's as if americans and politicians seem to dance around the truth, as if to believe treason is not possible in this country. Why can't americans say what they think anymore without being accused of high crimes. It is alleged that "Scooter" did, or he lied about who did?

Americans have the legal right to disagree without being tapped, and George has said so.

Thank you, George.
