Sunday, July 8, 2007

Do Michigan Law maker's have a conscience. Maybe there children are better then the rest of society? If that was so, then why is society so screwed up? If education was the answer, then why has education not providided the answer?

By now America must be highly educated. and those highly educated people must have the answers for all humanity. Millions are spent on the fortunate ones by way of education, and the world is becoming a more perfect place?

Thank God I live in America where we place the good of it's citizen's before everything else. I am a proud american citizen, who know's we take care of our own, before we help other countries take care of themselves.

The American people come first, and all other countries come later?

Thank God we went after that cheap ol in Iraq? Now we have to pay high oil prices, since our military was not able to stick a straw into Iraq's oil.

Thanks George for your lack of abilityng to think other's on the face of the earth can think for themselves. Stupid sand nigers, thinking they could be thinking.

Where is the CIA thinking like the local police.

America has the best security, and alway's have had, yet we were attacked on 911? Did America turn the other cheek, or is Americas security a myth?

Is it true that not any public official can do there job?


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