Sunday, July 8, 2007

I trully believe that the police in local communties believe they can solve crime, and make it come to an end. They actually believe that they can lock up criminals to never end, and they will just go away. Police are seen as garbage removals. There is seldom a crime that the police solve before it happens. The police are trained to place numbers around a crime scene, and then to follow the orders of a prosecutor. They are hired garbage collectors.

We hear rarily of any local police solving any local crime unless a citizen came forward to reveal there case. If the public had to rely on local police agency's for justice without the help of the public, then those highly trained public officials would be nothing more then blue uniforms. Sure they can patrol our highways, and bust those drugs flowing to other cities, while the drugs still flow non-stop.

The police can bust our teenage youth, and sometimes bust the interstate drug trafficer, but they can't do much else. There lost, but they can alway's count on Mom, or Dad to bail there children out of trouble?

The police should be thankful for our kid's keeping them occupied. The police have really never stopped a young child from dying in a alcohol related accident that I'm aware of!

Let me know of the times where the police played a role in prevention to the point it stopped a crime from occurring?


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